DevOps leverages its relationship to approaches like Agile development and seeks to create a culture of collaboration and an “IT value stream” by combining trusted principles and practices from physical manufacturing to software development. The goal is to turn software development, quality assurance (QA), information security (InfoSec), and IT operations process into a strategic business asset
Some of the major types of DevOps tools are as follows :
1. Docker
The DevOps tools, Docker is a Linux-based open-source platform that focuses on containers, meaning you package up the software with its dependencies and ship everything together as a unit—no need to worry about managing dependencies separately.
It’s portable and highly secure, you can use any language with it, and it integrates well with a number of other tools, such as Jenkins, Ansible, and Bamboo.
2. Ansible
The next DevOps tool is Ansible. CIO says “Ansible has become the DevOps darling for software automation.” This open-source tool for automating software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment is easy to use—you don’t even need to have a dedicated systems administrator—yet can handle highly complex deployments.
Plus, it’s agentless and uses a simple syntax written in the YAML language. NASA uses Ansible.
3. Git
Git is a highly popular open-source DevOps tool used by industry giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook. It allows you to track the progress of your development work and coordinate work among team members.
Git is great for experimenting, because you can revert to previously saved versions of your work, and you can also create branches separately and then add in the new features when they’re ready.
4. Puppet
Puppet lets you manage and automate software inspection, delivery, and operation. This open-source tool has a solid track record and thousands of modules and is easily integrated with many other platforms
5. Chef
This powerful open-source configuration management tool lets you turn infrastructure into a code to manage data, attributes, roles, environments, and more.
As a Puppet competitor, it supports multiple platforms and easily integrates with cloud-based platforms.
6. Jenkins
Jenkins is known for quickly finding issues in code. It’s a free, open-source tool used for automating the delivery pipeline, and lets you test and report changes almost in real-time.
Jenkins has a huge plugin ecosystem (more than a thousand plugins), so it integrates with pretty much every other DevOps tool out there. Plus, it runs out of the box on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
7. Nagios
Used to find and correct problems in networks and infrastructure, Nagios is one of the most popular free and open-source monitoring tools.
There are two Nagios editions: Nagios Core and Nagios XI; the latter offers many more features for even greater functionality
8. Splunk
Splunk makes machine data and logs accessible to and usable by everyone on the team. While machine data contains a lot of info that can improve productivity and efficiency, it’s hard to analyze and visualize without a tool like Splunk.
Developers can build custom Splunk applications and integrate Splunk data into other applications. The company itself has won several awards and is on the Forbes Digital 100 list.
9. Kubernetes
A relatively new container orchestration platform (it was released in 2015), Kubernetes lets you manage hundreds of containers. You can deploy your containerized apps to a group of computers, and Kubernetes automates their distribution and scheduling.
10. Vagrant
Vagrant allows you to build and manage virtual machine environments in a single workflow—meaning that whether you’re a developer, an operator, or a designer, you’ll have the same simple workflow as everyone else on the team.
Vagrant, which is Open source, aims to mirror a production environment so bugs can be fixed early in the production process. It can be integrated with Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and more.
11. Gradle
Gradle builds on Apache Ant and Maven and has been growing steadily in popularity since its introduction in 2009.
With this open-source build automation tool, you can write code in Java, C++, Python, and other languages, and, unlike Maven and Ant (which use XML), it uses a Groovy-based domain-specific language for describing builds.

DevOps has taken over the world, and as more Development and IT teams work in harmony, the more these agile companies sing the praises of continuous deployment
Continuous deployment is what makes DevOps so special. Instead of releasing application updates every 1-6 months, DevOps teams now deploy small, incremental changes several times a day. For organizations, DevOps provides value by increasing software quality and stability, and shortening lead times to production.
For developers, DevOps focuses on both automation and culture—it’s about how the work is done. But most importantly, DevOps is about enabling people to collaborate across roles to deliver value to end-users quickly, safely, and reliably. Altogether, it’s a combination of focus, means, and expected results. The focus of DevOps is people. The means of implementing DevOps are process and tooling. The result of DevOps is a better product, delivered faster and more reliably.
We at AudvikLabs help organizations of all sizes (Startup to Enterprises) implement DevOps cost-effectively and by following the best practices.